Children aged 2 to 22+ can make a valuable contribution to thriving family life. Guaranteed.
Discover the secrets to help your children grow into amazing adults.
Make your dream of shared family chores a reality.
How to finally have children do chores without the need to plead, bribe, threaten, or even pay.
Experience relief
Halve your housework hassles
Get the tools to make parenting easier, and enjoyable
Learn skills that powerful parents use to create great adults
Secrets your children DO NOT want you to know
(but will thank you for as adults)
What's going on in your household?
Are you ready to change your family dynamics for the better?
Discover the REAL method to halve your housework and revolutionise your relationships with children.
** best 4-step Family lifesaver
So that you focus on what you love about your children, and together do the chores.
The blueprint for how to introduce everyone to family tasks, add a new job to children's repertoire, and maintain momentum and your relationship through the transition.
** REAL Anti-Entitlement tips
So that your children become fabulous adults (rather than just "good children").
They know how to care for themselves and others AND be positive forces for the world. No more parental resentment or feeling taken for granted.
** no learned-helplessness here!
So that your children won’t feel awkward and inept out in the world.
It's embarrassing for young people to go out into the world and not know how to care for themselves and those around them. That won't happen for your child.
** THE "no pay way"
So that you’ll double your downtime, not lighten your wallet.
Children do their share of family jobs because they are part of the family, and you won’t lose out, or lose face.
No need to plead, bribe, threaten, despair...
** confident-comms cheatsheet
So that children take responsibility for their mistakes, and your relationships thrive.
The "Confident-Comms Cheatsheet" ensures you have the tools for assertively setting and managing boundaries. Learn the KFC method for assertiveness.
** the "yes-no-yes" method
So that your relationship won’t suffer when compromises need to be made.
Find out how to negotiate successfully with children, in a way that won't leave you feeling hen-pecked and exhausted.
Discover the sweetspot for agreeing without agreeing. Keep the relationship intact.
Cultivating Confidence & Contribution Through Childhood Chores
Children need to feel valued and competent
Learn the keys to successfully transitioning children to family contribution
Unveiling Truths: Efficient Strategies for Time-Strapped Parents
Children hate chores. FALSE
Easier to do it myself. FALSE
They should just do it. FALSE
Find out what's actually TRUE
Transformative Techniques for Harmonious Family Living
Starting a family roster?
Adding a new task to children's repertoire?
Balancing up the housework?
The 4-Step Family Lifesaver will guide you
From Task to Tradition: Embedding Chores in Daily Life
Tips to maintain the momentum and ensure the experience becomes more fun
A framework so you won't slip into resentment or complacence.
Parenting Prowess: Nurturing Skills Beyond Chores
Dealing with pressure to pay, others' expectations, neuro-spiciness, varying ages, famiy circumstances - all the things that could make regular chores tricky
Your personalised workbook for nurturing confident children
Insightful reflections from engaging prompts
Practical exercises to bridge theory to practice
Guided frameworks to achieve your unique milestones
I grew up knowing that I was part of a family, and a member of an interdependent community.
We all needed to help out so that the family worked. I saw that the community only functioned when people worked together. One person doing everything was neither sustainable nor fair.
It was expected that I help to whatever level was appropriate at the time and in the current circumstances. I didn't do everything: turned out that when I went flatting I had to ask my flatmates how the washing machine worked. Luckily my credibility was salvaged by knowing a thing or two about cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping.
I still prefer not to vacuum and iron.
And you can forget about mowing the lawns and gardening!
It's not about doing it all, being a super-human. Let's work together for a world that works.
Sarah Amy Glensor Best, growing up in Petone, Wellington, NZ
You'll receive immediately:
Unit 1: Raising Responsible Leaders
Unit 2: Breaking the Chores Code
Unit 3: The Chore Revolution Blueprint
Unit 4: Sustaining Success & Satisfaction
Unit 5: Overcoming Obstacles
Unlimited access to all lessons and quizzes
BONUS: Chore Mastery Companion
EXTRA BONUS: Access to a community of like-minded parents
About the Instructor
Sarah Amy Glensor Best
World peace is the name. Parenting & communication are the game.
Every interaction, particularly with children, has the potential to ripple out and impact your family, their whole lives and make a difference in the world - for better or for worse.
Parenting suddenly became very important to me when I realised the huge impacts my decisions could have on the future of my children - after all, this is their LIFE - along with the entire world.
I currently live in Wellington, New Zealand, with my three teenage children who all contribute to household tasks, well... most days.
I've learned so much on this parenting & neuroscience discovery journey that needs to be shared. As a trained educator for Brainwave Trust Aotearoa, and professional facilitator, coach, speaker and author, I live transformation every day. It's what I get out of bed for. I'm so happy to have you here. Sarah x
International Facilitator, Coach, Speaker and Author of "Changing the World is Child's Play", first published 2015.
Good things, especially transformational behavioural shifts, take time, so fully complete the course, and allow your family and yourself time to breathe before letting go this opportunity to make a massive difference for your children and the world.
You will gain valuable skills in communicating powerfully and nurturing important relationships during this course.
These skills are transferrable to all other areas of your life.
If you do not experience a shift in your ability to communicate with your family, to get the housework done, you can contact me directly for a refund.
Also get in touch to tell me your success stories!